Cafe con leche, you order it from cafeteria, it doesnt cost much, you have a lot of d´argent, you like to life easy, showing us new green builging, like st patrick´s day, everything has to bee green, its your style, you like dollars, you like the taste of it.
You live in your condo, you like to life high, its closer to the rich mans sky, you like to see obove the cities, it makes you feel, hanrdome and me pretty, you like to order shampagne, to the girls, its your brand, like caramello.
You like your own life, its above, all, like a cristal ocean or your life, feel the wind its all yours, take your life, no-one has a wisdom stone.
You like to be on move, girls like to stay on your rooms, you dont have your own space, they want of you everything, its your life, you have to shut to door, to have your own life, there is powers, you dont know about.
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