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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: Times like these, foo fightersre= sanoitukset

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they are footballers
Piia Myyry

…You all love you violent lives, you get to money of corruption, like in ivy times, you beat women to the beds, non is not no, you do what you please, you beat them in hotels, homes and cars, there is always present…

63.83 %
Gaining all the profits
Piia Myyry

…disease they say, its violence people, make they days. IIt must been the franco times, during early days, military lands, controlling the days, it must have been the dame, during the years, some people want to life like it, new it is these doctors, gaining all the profits.…

52.10 %
You like the dog fights
Piia Myyry

…are suffering all the time, you like that life, it feeds your soul, over the years, when you have sexual problems, you make money ot the anger, you like to new channels, the taste of it. You like to arrange the fights…

45.83 %
The shadow days
Piia Myyry

…have the same skills, you like the lovepower, its with lions easy, they have these invisible forces, its easy to run family life, lift all the time and needs. You dont see it in the daylight, you have not that power, it comes like the moon in the evening, . every day with the same people, so it all is so easy.…

41.63 %
The sun is for you like a icebraker (joululevy 3)

…snowflakes and north see, life is all the time like xmas beats, there is though no raindeers, or any snowflakes for you to feed. The northern xmas is just the products, its a big party to have fun, xmas is a day of…

40.90 %
They like romance
Piia Myyry

…all want to see humans cry, are you in acting schools, where motions are inportent, thats their life, its show time, you have a lawyers life, they want to show you, the criminal part of it, to get attention, its not what they want to see, they like romance, another kind of feelings, thats why your are always dumped.…

40.52 %
They really like it
Piia Myyry

…, you like city life, these people just run their old lifes, they are linked to their families, they really like it.…

40.50 %
They all like your violance
Piia Myyry

…, in work there is too much action, you have your little game, with your friends, they all like your violance, you show all, who is the boss in the game. You dont really care about peole, you like to torture people, it…

40.26 %
The kids who have nothing

…Now, we can live like those, who never have kids, to time for hobbies, or nothing to give, they just spend their times in living rooms, and just do it. Thei energy goes just the one thing. Some people just have hobbies…

40.10 %