Lähimmät osumat haulle: can-you-use-passport-card-to-travel

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You like to travel al days
Piia Myyry

…things, living abroad is easy. like in some european cities, its not so hard, like in northern cities. here there is nothing to do reallly. its just the same everyday, you like the ordinary life, its easy. You like to

100.00 %
You beat the anger to their skin
Piia Myyry

You all love the spring, its easier to the human bodies, you can go to cottage, and feel free, you dont want to see the old friends, you dont need to see them, your friends beat your neighbours, to the hospitals, you

95.60 %
You really like your style
Piia Myyry

You like to play music, you want to use your new boost, you have evetything, for your evening, you go you with your women. You all want to see life, in the nights you run wild, you have no other life, 'its easy for you

65.59 %
You have no education
Piia Myyry

…play with women, all day long, i am a city girl, you like your car and travel around, the countryside. You all have a child, you are bound to that love, you are reallynot interested of, anything else than talk, so you spend your days, when other people have different work.…

62.55 %
It gives you power
Piia Myyry

you power, you havens even seen their faces, still you want to have sex, over the days. You are already pretty old, you have become violent, so that the people can do their work, you use them to your own purposes…

62.27 %
Immortal lifes
Piia Myyry

…their families and friends, you all can have it all, travel with your friiends, when you dont have nothing more. All the people in the same places, 'you are not in hurry anywhere, ' 'like your friends, you have time to

60.20 %
You want back home
Piia Myyry

…gained it, northern man want to own women, and use the power to do it, you must have a northern man, who pay just for the company, since loneliness is not fun. You can just style everything, yourself and room, someone pays for it, when you get abroad, you really don't enjoy it, you want back home, and stay with your family.…

58.28 %
You feed your virgin all your life
Piia Myyry

…life. You really are like these guys, they take it all and use services all their lifes. You really feed them gladly, only your needs come first, you just like it. you dont really care nothing else, except your own…

57.95 %
The competition is hard

…, how the life has been. In big cities people are educated, the competition is hard, you inevidement, face it. The english is not my mother tongue, I just need to use it, to run my everyday life,…

54.34 %
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