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The real love

…You feel like love, all the time, its ok, ilike it, your life, i mean, we can hav the slideshow of love, I dont need to do much,just love, for sure. All the time goes to work, there is not much time to be together, and…

61.20 %
You want back home
Piia Myyry

…You all live the same dream, everything is done for you, money comes easily, you are not forced to follow the rules, you are paid for rich men, life is easy, you don't need to push for it. I just don't know how you…

51.93 %
The atmosphere in big stages

…, because of money, not because of any other thing, than to pay their bills. They are like little kids, they dont know much, but they survive just in this, who is the one who really thinks, of which to pay, or of which to…

50.51 %
Come home alone
Piia Myyry

…You dont wait for me at all, you are always busy, so you spend your days, you cant slow down at all, you want women to stay home, its risky they get bored easily, to make the same mistakes, over and over again, its…

47.20 %
Sitting at the kitchen

…I just sit on the train to see you, i wait to arrive to my new town, ot see how it is and how there sounds, how the people are, how they have theated you, so far. I just sit home and watch tv, these is nothing during…

38.91 %
The pages look good
Piia Myyry

…, its just neet. You all have the same lifes, you like forrest, its your life, you all want to stay home, you see your new friends, its not for you a game, you all have every kind of works, the pages look good, but how it the talk.…

38.82 %
The bride
Piia Myyry

…eat lot of ribs meat, and see people everywhere in the streets. You are ao flirty, that I am stressed of all the glory. You know what mean the t-bone beef, its delicious, but does it your soul or heart to feed. You call…

37.31 %
Its so much fun
Piia Myyry

…easy, 'you live your hospital life, clinical workers like the same, 'emotionally you want to see, people suffer from tne pain. You all make crimes in shadow, you love your needs, you never stop, untill sociaty does the work, behalf of your own, you are lazy all the time, all the energy goes to crimes, its so much fun.…

36.93 %
Jealouse of everything

…something else to do. How does my clothes look, those are now different, not the right colour or something else, you are just the simple guy, 'you just want money and love. Yes, we are adults already, the clothes can…

36.62 %