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Invisible Man
Pariisin Kevät

…, jotain karmeaa tapahtuu mä piiloudun ja maalaan maailman mustaksi ei mua kukaan nää mä oon invisible man kiivetään, kallioille katsomaan mustia lintuja perävaunurekkoja taivas saa tippua taivas saa tippua oota vaan niin…

21.15 %
Invisible bindings

…All the energy goes to wrong people, or the the wrong places, even you want something else, its hard to fight is they are so selffish, and arrogant, they dont let you to life, your own life, at all. These invisible

20.89 %
Your love is invisible
Piia Myyry

…I dont see you much, your love is invisible, you do what you want, see people, i dont see you much, you just need to see people, you have all your fans, its your life, you like to make a fights, all the time you have…

18.74 %
Pseudo crimes
Piia Myyry

…You all have your pseudo lifes, pseudo crimes, where ather people, pay your insanity, or creed, making by violance, that´s what you need, you really seek the same, episodes every day, you play the police game, in a…

12.34 %
10.96 %
Big meal

…This is not a review just some thoughts When you're driving round in a Hello Kitty Porsche It looks like 90210 New episodes original cast Kids will lend you money for a cab To go out on a quest for a stepdad They're all…

9.60 %
Crystal balls
Piia Myyry

…The beat is all the time the same, its too violant, over the days, does something to the humans every day, observes everything, wnat to see new sorrow, in lutherian ways. You all arrange the new episodes, its not in…

8.35 %
Everything is big
Piia Myyry

episodes to hospitals, you are out of markets, of the criminal lifes. You have watched too much films, its all the time following peoples living, you come form the place, where everything is big, people can life there in…

8.35 %
Heikki Kuula

…anssilla tappouhkauksia comic sanssilla Olin pilvessä kun tavattiin barbituraateissa kun erottiin ekstaasinappi, ekstaasi nappi jee jee Olin pilvessä kun tavattiin barbituraateissa kun erottiin ekstaasinappi, ekstaasi nappi jee jee…

8.24 %