Lähimmät osumat haulle: riddle

Kappale ja esittäjä osuma-%

Riddler, Riddler ask me why The birds fly free on a mackerel sky Ask me whither goes the winds Whence the endlesstick-tick stream begins Make me guess if the Earth is flat or round Set a quessing if fantasies are…

100.00 %
The Riddler
80.97 %
Sweet Pandemonium

…The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium Afraid That everything remains unchanged In this fragile dream Ashamed Of the shattered remains of promises made The truth that could set souls free Is buried within sweet…

57.69 %
Tyhjää Riddim
35.71 %
Peach Party
Satin Circus

…party with me My princess Sharp as a lemon and sweet as a melon (Join the party, join, join the party) Underneath the peel she's a riddle Hard on the shell and soft in the middle She's the one that I'd like to fiddle I…

31.88 %

…the end of time come, surf the clouds race the dark it feeds from the runs undone meet me where the cliff greets the sea the answer to the riddle before your eyes is in dead leaves and fleeting skies returning swans and…

27.92 %
Kissat kehdossa - Cats in the Craddle
Mika ja Turkka Mali
23.52 %
10.31 %
10.31 %
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