Lähimmät osumat haulle: rsm-audit-starting-salary

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: rsm-audit-starting-salary sanoitukset

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Lighting It Up
10.25 %
The great wall of your heart

…' to look so hard but I've always seen it through Now I only wanna make your body fall apart So I'm starting with the great wall of your heart A war paint make-up on your face Like something no one could dare to embrace…

10.05 %
Neuroottinen, dramaattinen, charmikas
Keko Salata

…Skidisti neuroottinen, dramaattinen ja charmikas Keko Salata, hauska tutustua Aivot käy kierroksilla Mä en saa rauhaa Mahan pohjas tunne Et joku taas kantaa kaunaa Juon aamukaffen Ja horoskoopin tsiigaan Jotain on…

9.40 %
My Silver Lining
First Aid Kit

…, hold on, oh no I've got to go There’s no starting over No new beginnings time races on And you've just gotta keep on keeping on Gotta keep on going, looking straight out on the road Can't worry 'bout what's behind you…

8.53 %

…Mä pidän mun autoo ku kaunista kukkaa Ei välii merkil ja väril Kunhan se on Audi ja musta Alkaa jopa seistä ku pääsee sisään istumaan Mä oon varattu, todisteena neljä rinkulaa Te ootte bensat lenkkareissa ABC:n…

7.15 %
Muistan kirkkauden
Jenni Vartiainen
6.81 %
It is a rainbow life
Piia Myyry

…You all have been at work,all your lifes, its nothing interesting, you say, its just life, you have a good life,where you come from, good salary, there you get it all. They are tired of spending time at home, they have…

6.37 %
You are starring at tv
Piia Myyry

…You are helpful, you like to move, you are starring at tv, the stress gets to you moves, you really get stressed of all, you dont get excited, you start to stare at tv, nothing moves. You are like a dog at home, lot of…

6.22 %
Bill of black magic
Piia Myyry

…You all bet to people new sicknesses, you finance of the life, bill of black magic, you all play with patiences lifes, its just the salary and the fun, your love. You all come from the north, you like to concentrate…

6.17 %