Lähimmät osumat haulle: seed-past-form-of-verb

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: seed-past-form-of-verb sanoitukset

Lisää sanoitukset Etkö löytänyt etsimääsi? Lyrics.fi on yhteisöpalvelu suomalaisten kappaleiden sanoituksille. Kaikki sanat ja sanoitukset ovat käyttäjien lisäämiä.

Endless Forms Most Beautiful

of grass Every endless form most beautiful Alive, aware, in awe Before the grandeur of it all Our floating pale blue ark Of endless forms most beautiful Beyond aeons we take a ride Welcoming the shrew that survived To…

63.98 %
Sleepwalking Past Hope

…threescore and six And from there, I crawl beneath Lucifer's claws Just for one last kiss... In our hearts, love keeps sweet-talking to despair And goes on sleepwalking past hope All is lost in this war All we can do is to wail and weep to the saddest song Sleepwalking past hope There's no hope....…

40.49 %
You all like your past
Piia Myyry

…You all like your past, it all comes from the east, you all have some problems, you have all your friends, you guide them to the other place, you get your own space, having all the nagging, all the days, you all like to…

38.59 %
Babs Seed
My Little Pony: Ystävyyden taikaa

…Luultiin että Babs ois tosi mukava Hän ystävä ois jonka kanssa hengailla Vaan sitten paljastuikin, hän on pelkkä kiusaaja Niin muuttui Babs, hän onkin aivan kauhea Minne mennäänkin, hän siellä odottaa Babs Seed, Babs…

31.87 %
The Greatest Show On Earth

of all We are one We are a universe Forbears of what will be Scions of the Devonian sea Aeons pass Writing the tale of us all A day-to-day new opening For the greatest show on Earth Ion channels welcoming the outside…

28.87 %
Centre Of My Universe
Hanoi Rocks

…friend I'm alone in the centre of my universe Time is a file – if revealed it would be most unkind Better stop tryin' to change the past And try to find something that will last I walked on hoping someday Someone would come…

28.85 %
Sea Of Dreams
Battle Beast

…I, I still remember the feeling deep divine But time has stolen my love for you Oh Angel, my beauty in white The kiss of death is all I need Set me free from the night To a place without a name Wake me up from the Sea…

25.77 %
Master Passion Greed

…Hoping that the pain would fade away Greed, your master passion I Feed the mouth that bites me Mammon, opiate of the masses The reek of your lies draws flies Seek her Seduce her Tame her Blame her Have her Kill her…

23.11 %
You have seen it all
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same,kindergarder friends, you like to make money, illegal ways, you sit in nice offices, in the city, nobody wants to see you. You have such a diseaces, you love you cup of coffee, you come form the…

22.92 %