Lähimmät osumat haulle: what-to-buy-your-child-for-first-birthday

Kappale ja esittäjä osuma-%
Its your birthday
Piia Myyry

…, all the time at the trains, you dont get used to it, its boring over the days. You wait for the call of your firiends, its your birthday, you dont see friends, you see your relatives, they are nice, at least you have some support, all the time.…

94.65 %
Buy some silk
Piia Myyry

You all like to peaceful living, you do nothing, like to talk, and buy some silk, you dont go nowhere really, you drive around this city, its your living, that what you need. You like your lovelife, its your new living…

78.45 %
Birthday guy

…having fun light, it is your style, what you have to offer, or do you have a VIP card. To invite your friends to the evening night, so see how people act of do they fight. You have today a B-day, you are on focus and, its…

76.11 %
First Kiss
Isac Elliot
63.53 %
only child
Piia Myyry

…I am an only child, I do everything on my own, only parents help me, they all have their families, all the time goes for their needs, there is no space for anything, the older they get, the meaner they seem to be. Time…

61.18 %
They suck your energy
Piia Myyry

…like to play with women, maybe they have no time for it, all the same women play the same game, even they have childs of their own, then it all starts again. You want to play more, its not a global game, just a one…

56.18 %
You are like as child
Piia Myyry

child, you like everykind of nice things, other people do it for you, you like to be with the children. You all love your salaries, after you run all the people, who have pain in the chest, or broken legs, you all have…

55.73 %
Angels Fall First

…An angelface smiles to me Under a headline of tragedy That smile used to give me warmth Farewell, no words to say Beside the cross on your grave And those forever burning candles Needed elsewhere To remind us of the…

54.41 %
You select who gets what
Piia Myyry

…, you make people tired of your games. Its really not a childs game, you all beat lethal diseases all the days, you kill people in hospitals, its just fun for you, all day long, you and your friends roll the department…

52.53 %
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