Lähimmät osumat haulle: where-can-i-get-free-vaccines-for-my-cat

Kappale ja esittäjä osuma-%
Hanna Pakarinen

…Outside the sunset I see the silhouettes and silently adore For the first time Since my return I'm free, free from the chains now There's hope, will, strength, direction Now I can live without you, without you Now I can

100.00 %
piia myyry

get enough of good atmosphere. Though now I amgetting older, and want a softer life. I can start buying a softer bed, to enjoy. I want the life where it is easier to breath. I need you beside me. Alone it starts to be too…

78.72 %
A Thief That Holds My Heart
Hanna Pakarinen

…turned on me for a change Did I fool myself When you came into my life And when you needed me to be the one there for you I gave all of me Imagining I meant world to you Could anything Make you get that I need you too I don't wanna run....…

57.44 %
Lets get engaged
Piia Myyry

…Lets get in gaged fernando, I want to live with you, We have to love more, I want you baby for sure, I makea me happy to be surrounded, by my own fools. I have waited long enough, I am not a child no more, I am tired…

50.44 %
Just get addicted

…Have you just get bored of your life, it doesnt change here much. You can meet your friends, but the life is wide, my friend. You havent even seen the half of it, you have just got addicted to a one track, it has…

50.02 %
I just want my privacy

…really my creative site, most of all, I just like cosy places, sort of comfort zone, where it is good to stay. You have so much passion, do not waste it away. I can give you love over the hole day, you have used to be athletic, its physical, I like it.…

46.30 %
Battle Beast

…one to die in you I am berserk, I fear no fear My name is Madness And I will hunt you down in darkness You can't escape from me 'Coz I'm Madness The demon slayer in your head I'm always there (Solo) No one can hear you…

45.88 %
Better together

…call!! I'll be there whenever you can use a good friend When you're lost l'll help you get you where you're going So wherever life leads, you can count on me Cause now that we're together it's so easy to see We're so…

45.61 %
Velvet Ocean

…Music and Lyrics: Riitu Ronkainen I'm afraid Give me your light I want to hide from this darkness Could you do it for me? Show me your light Would you give peace to my soul Only you can set me free Can I get out of…

44.89 %
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