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Herra Ylppö & Ihmiset

…Ilmastonmuutos ei paina mua, sodat ei paina mua Kuolema ei koske mua kun mä painan sua Mut sä petyit muhun en ollutkaan mitä toivoit En ollut vanha ja likainen Porno! Porno, porno! Porno, porno! Porno, porno! Porno

74.02 %
Porno on pop

…aukeudet manalaan, ottaa pornon valta maailmalta otteen vahvimman. Huumaa tuoksu voiteiden Kuumaa juoksu rakkauden Kiiltää pinta saappaiden Viiltää ruoska nahkainen. (Porno on pop pop, äijät on hip hop. Porno on pop pop, äijät on hip hop.) Huumaa tuoksu voiteiden Kuumaa juoksu rakkauden Kiiltää pinta saappaiden Viiltää...…

44.52 %
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porno paneminen…

33.80 %
Halfway Home

…night dress mm.. and she lifts her eyebrows as I whisper her name I'm thinkin': I can see myself forever there Oh, how I'd like to be there, oh. I'm halfway home, I tell you Yes I'm half way home I've drove through the…

28.01 %
Only home
Piia Myyry

…nothing except, eat and watch tv. You have another hole in your new scheen, its all about violance, you really dont like to heal people, you are like in harry potter movies, the personal, is not for this work, it comes not…

26.93 %
Come home alone
Piia Myyry

…doenst go that way, you think you concure it all, but so the children also say, You like to teach you friends, you dont see your own games. You can come home alone, but I am not there nomore.…

26.66 %
Forgotten Home
Old Polaroid

…thought of you all along It's hard to see That i will be lonely It's hard to move on can't do this on my own I don't wanna be alone did i become a forgotten home? I can't save you from yourself It's not because you are…

26.55 %
We have no home
Piia Myyry

…, some people want revenge, so they live. You must have loved me, before you saw me, you just didn't see it, I am just bored for the whole all thing, your fanes come all the time between, we have no home, where you feed me.…

25.75 %
New Way Home
Isac Elliot
24.72 %