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Rock'n Roll'n Blues'n Jazz
Juice Leskinen

…Hei hei, kuka bailuissa lausuikaan, paratiisissa sitten jatkoilla kohdataan Ja minä kun tartuin fillariin, hän kiipesi - katepillariin, ja kysäisi luuletko ehtiväs Rock'n roll'n blues'n jazz Kiss my ass Kiss my ass…

29.09 %
25.80 %
The great wall of your heart

…Broken heart and broken jeans The world gave you nothing but some other's dreams Not easy I know that ain't easy All alone and all uncared Once wounded soul that was never repaired Not easy I know that's not easy Never…

22.53 %
You really like your style
Piia Myyry

You like to play music, you want to use your new boost, you have evetything, for your evening, you go you with your women. You all want to see life, in the nights you run wild, you have no other life, 'its easy for you

20.14 %
You really like it
Piia Myyry

You all are criminal between the sex, you all select the moment, like your own speks, you do everything how you want, you beat women blind, they have no afford to pay your fun, you all can go to court, its your own…

20.06 %
You really take it
Piia Myyry

You all have played, with other peoples lifes, you like to see people, who are divorced, you like that life, you saparate of everything, Your needs are the same, over the years, you dominate evertywhere, you want the…

19.72 %
If i hurt you i'm sorry, darling don't you worry coz i really really love you baby
Bunny mack

…if i hurt you im sorry darling dont you worry coz I really really love you baby…

18.67 %
you really like that game
Piia Myyry

…We all have studied everywhere, the days are different, 'it depends ot the energy,and the will, you have been using people, for your own needs, the other people raise your kids, that you get what you need. You all can…

17.96 %
You really are eval
Piia Myyry

You all want your violent surroundings, you like to beat humans, in the gates, like they have no meaning, you focus on your own need, they have already several kids, you just need you own living, we are ashamed you of…

17.76 %