Lähimmät osumat haulle: lumme energia

Kappale ja esittäjä osuma-%
Eläköön elämä ja yö
Sonja Lumme
94.47 %
31.62 %
Yli feat. Ringa Manner
Paperi T

…. Kaikki on varmaa tai siis kaikki on varmaan. Narratiivi narraa, tosi hyvis' stooreis valetta on parhaat. Mitä sitä elää varovasti, luettuja päivii on lukemattomasti. Tule häihini sopimattomasti ja pidä sama energia

24.52 %
It suck energy
Piia Myyry

…, they keep women nicely, all the nights. They use you for their needs, you do it alone, its sucks energy, you take all the space eith violance, you want to use your power, with your friends, i dont like your humour at…

18.69 %
I blow to you energy

…, sexually. I really need it, I want you to see me, you really give me the heat, I am addicted to that feeling. You move fast across the land, you have many people, you know, I just want the energy, for you to blow.…

16.65 %
They suck your energy
Piia Myyry

…come from another townhall, since people are different in diffenrent places, you see it from their faces, you dont fit in, you are tired of the same people, they such your energy, you dont have more the gin. You all can…

14.09 %
Tummenevan taivaan alla
Juha Tapio
13.61 %
They suck all your energy
Piia Myyry

…doenst really move much, you find it boring, they suck all your energy, during the days. You want more but you dont like any parties, you just sit home every days, you dont want to see any new places, you can connect to it…

13.13 %
Kun Uni Ei Tuu

…mä unta sillon aika uneksii Ideoit muistii, lyijyl vaa paperil Vain unessa mä saan elä suurii unelmii Siis älä herätä karhuu kesken talviunii Refrain Unenomanen tunne Kellun näillä kaduilla kun mikäkin lumme Unettomuus…

13.10 %
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