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Dark Chest of Wonders

chest once more Dark chest of wonders Seen through the eyes Of the one with pure heart Once so long ago The one in the Big Blue is what the world stole from me This night will bring him back to me Fly to a dream Far…

37.62 %
Lady of Pain
Juice Leskinen

…Kahvilaan jään istumaan Juon katkeraa viintä ja katkera maku jää kieleen Poltan tupakkaa sua voin vain tuijottaa Eikä mikään menen mitenkään, ei edes pieleen Sinä nautit kun tuskaa hain Sinä nautit kun tuskaa sain Sinä…

30.23 %
the sorrow and pain
Piia Myyry

…can retire at the age of very young, they have been wise, runnign arter money, it secures life. You lead a silent life, its scandinavian life style, they talk a lot of their love lifes, they life of jealouse, they want to break it all, they they have their own life, to enjoy of sorrow and pain, of other peoples lifes.…

27.63 %
Pain to ease
Piia Myyry

…peoples life, you really live like a child, you beat people for your own needs, it is prestigeous life for you, I call it everyday pain to ease.…

26.32 %
game brings pain
piia myyry

…emotionas, like earlier years. A life with the desired game brings always a pain, you wonder, why the others look so happy, how they have lived and or, are they good hiding the the real game. Everybody has the inner desiree…

25.69 %
Higher Than Hope

…Time it took the most of me And left me with no key To unlock the chest of remedy Mother, the pain ain't hurting me But the love that I feel When you hold me near The hopes were high The choirs were vast Now my dreams…

17.40 %
Oi ihminen mielees se paina
Virsi 145. (edellisestä virsikirjasta)

…1. Oi ihminen, mielees se paina, ettei pysy maailma tää. Ei kestä, ei seiso se aina, vaan kaikkineen pois häviää. Siis maailman murhe sä heitä ja pakene turhuuden teitä, jos tahdot sä taivaasehen. 2.Sä kahtako palvella…

16.93 %
You are like as child
Piia Myyry

…child, you like everykind of nice things, other people do it for you, you like to be with the children. You all love your salaries, after you run all the people, who have pain in the chest, or broken legs, you all have…

16.22 %
Demolition Soul
Doctrine Wavers

…And I ask myself could my sun still shine. When bitter greed still wails in my veins. Did I accomplish my mission with divinity? When my soul and mind said no to me. Pain, gain, I wear my bomb with dignity Greed, stain…

13.88 %