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Feel Nothing
Blind Channel

much in what felt like forever But it was gone in a second Couldn't take another second This loving heart no longer beats These caring lungs no longer breathe And it's amazing how good it feels I feel nothing at all, no…

38.58 %
Sitting at the kitchen

…I just sit on the train to see you, i wait to arrive to my new town, ot see how it is and how there sounds, how the people are, how they have theated you, so far. I just sit home and watch tv, these is nothing during

30.95 %
game brings pain
piia myyry

…, and live with faces.. I am long away from that time, I am a woman, that you know, how it can be so hard, with a woman you loved some time. why have you changed so much during the years, you are frozen again with…

30.47 %
Dancing Naked
Bad King

…Why should I forget? I choose my life instead! Tried to come home early, Clearly I remember the footprints she left on the sand. Led up to the hills, maybe passion, sense and the flowers in her hair. Oh how much I love…

24.15 %
During the nights
Piia Myyry

…not changed, for 20 years, people are educated, to the new changes, they are jealous and fast in everything, in authorities gears roll slow, nothing happens like they do, during the nights, slow gears. You all are angry…

21.00 %
You get frustrated
Piia Myyry

…You dont like anything fun, i dont know how you life, all the time at home, like old times, you go nowever except to se your sisters, the you sit a while, drinking coffee, thinking of new mistresses. This city doesnt…

20.71 %
Criminal during the days
Piia Myyry

…people to wheelchairs, on purpose, you never know, who they kill. they really like psycological thrillers, they do it in reall lifes, it goes beyond, all, it is criminal during the days.…

20.09 %
provocating steps (adults, engl.)

…like a hell. You walk like you dont care, you have a timed look, you are surely afraid of life or love. You are like a fire with love. You are shy like a little guy, how big is your ego, how far you can go, how small you really are, how much you really care so far.…

18.50 %
Just hedonism

…really to love you, forget all, just get hedonism. Its just my own goal, I dont know, what more can I want. You make me so happy, I dont know, how can you make me so crazy. Your life is light to carry, you dont need to do much, just pay for it.…

17.81 %