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Between the sheets
Piia Myyry

…the time, its a body aic, not a childs life. I have the fire, you spanish guy, make me smile, you just want to do it, everywhere, you are keen, making women to make noise, and move. FA, its your life, you want to tease me, you have everything, still you have time, to feed me, you want to see people, between the sheets.…

37.08 %

…kontulaan mä teen teistä selvää. loppuun asti mul on taistelian luonne, jos en pääse kävellen nii meikä tulee juoste. br tiputtelee päitä vittu yhtenään kontula streets kakstuhatyhdeksän. mä en luovuta en periks anna…

27.21 %
Blood Is The Price Of Glory
22.94 %
Beating Gets Faster
Hanoi Rocks

…love is such a rarity It lives all through eternity The nights we share, it seems they'll never end Oh Lord above, she must be heaven sent I know you and you know me That's the way it was meant to be I know you and you…

19.79 %
7 Veljestä 2 feat. Avain, Elastinen, Iso H and Jussi Valuutta

…sä häviit jos tyhmän tuut testaa vitut tunteista savage b-boy stanssii elastik tik tik boom perus rähinä slämdänssii Ääretön: tuskin tarvii enempää psyykkaa se on yykaa jengi dyykaa seiska ja synkkaa lynkkaa harvemmin…

13.34 %
Profeetat feat. Elastinen
12.32 %
Profeetat, Cheek, Elastinen
12.32 %
Profeetat, Cheek, Elastinen
12.32 %
Marital obligations
Piia Myyry

…come and go, and the sheets are waving, you have your manhood, its vital during the days, you need it, you love your manly life, it all comes from the work, its really not the girls world. Its now a srping time, you guide…

10.82 %